• It's been a while since my last update! Candy has been shot and I'm in the process of cutting the movie together and colour correcting the footage. It's been a very intense learning experience and I'm loving every second of it! I cannot wait to be able to share our finished movie!
• There have been a lot of questions about my putting out a new calendar for 2014 so I have done just that. In fact, there are two calendars available! The photography calendar features the best photos from my shoots with models such as Lovina Yavari, Dera Veinot, Kat Wakefield and Land Shark, as well as a few self portraits. The digital art calendar has a couple new pieces and some fan favourites from the previous digital art calendar of 2011, as well as a few older pieces that I never published.

• There have also been a couple more magazine publications in the past couple months - namely Ladies of Steampunk and Freque Magazine. I post more regular updates and a lot of random photography on my facebook fan page so if you haven't already, go "like" it and keep up to date!
• I'm VERY excited to announce that Lucy DeLaat and myself just won as runner up in the Raindance video pitch contest at the Toronto International Film Festival last night for our short film, Candy!!! We're very excited to be embarking on our directorial debut with this film and cannot wait to start shooting it next month! Here is the pitch video for you guys to check out!
We'll have an Indiegogo campaign up soon!
• I just had a couple digital pieces showcased in the End of Days art show at Northern Ink Xposure, curated by the Canadian Alternative Arts Collective. I am very honoured to be a part of this group!
• Coming up on July 19th I'll also be showing a couple digital pieces at The Art Galleria Expo. It's a guest list only show so there won't be admission at the door, however if you either sign up on the facebook event page or EMAIL ME I can have you added to the guest list. It's going to be a lot of fun so please come out, say hi and buy some art!
• Oops, I've been updating my site and not updating my "updates" page! There is a lot happening so let me begin!
• First, I've started selling posters in my Zazzle store, canvas prints at The Untapped Source and a variety of fine art prints, photo prints and postcards at my Deviant Art store. You still have the option to contact me directly for signed prints, however these sites will get your prints to you faster!
• I'll be showing a piece in the INK art show being held in Detroit this May 10th & 11th. I am very excited to be a part of this incredible collection and is one of the first times my photography has been exhibited!
• I had a couple photography pieces published in issue #16 of Dark Beauty Magazine which you can buy online here. I also just had another photography set picked up for publication in another magazine this July so stay tuned for that!
• I'm also in serious pre-production for my first short film which is being co-written, co-directed, co-produced and co-acted with my dear friend and fellow actress Lucy Delaat. You can find out more info and some teaser images on our facebook page, and our website will be up soon at It's going to be a great project and I am excited to be getting into film more deeply than I already am.
• I've updated pretty much ever section of this site with new work so rather than list them here, just go browse!
• I have updated the prints page with new items and up-to-date prices. I have found a very good local art printer who is also an independant artist, so every print bought supports not one but two independant local artists! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or wish to order a print.
• Updated the photo section with a bunch of new creative shoots I've done with a couple very amazing friend of mine, Lovina and Maggie. I couldn't ask for better friends or models! expect many more shoots like these in the near future. :D
• There is also a new digital piece in the digital section and two new paintings in the traditional art section.
• I have also added a whole new video page so that I can start posting my various experiments and work in progress painting videos.
• Other than that, I have been working really hard on getting enough pieces together so that I can not only submit to DAMNED again this year, but I'm also hoping to start doing some exhibits closer to home! I find it funny that I've shown work as far away as Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, but nothing very substantial in my own city. SOOOOOON THOUGH!!!!
• Also, I update my facebook fanpage much more often than I update this site so if you are a facebook person go "like" the page there and you'll get more of a day to day art fest kinda thing happening. :D
• HOLY CRAP AN UPDATE!!!! What can I say, this has been a hell of a year! Since this time last year I have renovated my condo nearly all by myself, sold it, moved to an AMAZING apartment, worked my ass off in the film industry and am nearly unionized! Being so busy has left me with little time for creating but I have done my best to keep painting in lulls between bursts of insanity. I haven't had much motivation to work on any digital artwork but I feel that I have made huge leaps and bounds with my painting and it has become my #1 love.
• Aside from everything else I've been up to, I am also helping produce my friends short film & directorial debut. I will also be responsible for art direction, set painting and on-set photography. We're aiming to shoot the 1st or 2nd weekend in May and as such need to raise $15,000 by then to cover equipment rentals, actor fees, makeup, stunts, guns, travel costs, post production costs etc. etc. Right now we're applying for Gov't art grants and bank loans, as well as doing online fund-raising.
We've set up an IndieGoGo page as the portal for our online fund-raising campaign and have released a few fun videos to help create some excitement around our cause.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!! Every donation helps and if you can't afford to donate please spread the word by sharing our videos and links! :D
• Spree on IndieGoGO
• @SPREEthemovie
• Spree on Tumblr
• Two pieces of mine ('Kali' & 'The Deceiver') will be included in issue II of Insects & Angels. Being a part of this is such a huge honour! Insects & Angels founder, Bethalynne Bajema, was the first person to introduce me to digital art back in 1998 and has been a major inspiration for the past 14 years.
• response to the calendar sale has been amazing and there are only 7 left! if you want one you'd better hurry! ;D
• oh, and i have a facebook fanpage so feel free to join!
• limited edition 2011 art calendars are now available for purchase from this site! check out the calendar page for more info and a preview of each months photo!
• a canvas print of my digital piece 'Kali' will be shown at the Zodiac Art Show being held at the Congregation Gallery in Los Angeles until the new year. She was also printed in the limited edition Zodiac: Book of Days being release for this show. I'm terribly excited to be involved in both these amazing projects!
• once again i shall be showing three art pieces and attending the Damned III Exhibit of Enlightened Darkness being held in Detroit this October 28-30, 2010. I am absolutely honoured to be a part of this show two years in a row!!

July 11.10.
• first off, thanks to everyone who made it out to the Drawgasmic art show last night! I was watching it over the live webcam and completely blown away by the turnout!
• I just had my digital piece, Losing Teeth, accepted into the Black Plague Art Show being held at the Congregation Gallery in Los Angeles on July 24th!! if you're in the area that day please go check it out and support dark art! I am so excited to be a part of this show!!
May 18.10.
• I will have a piece in both the Drawgasmic book and art show, which is taking place at the 2720 Cherokee Gallery in Louis MO on July 10th. Check out the facebook event page for more info!
March 09.10.
• The limited edition 'Obscene Seduction' book that i participated in is now available for purchace from the publisher's website: [click here]
This album presents artworks illustrating the attraction of the macabre. Is it an expression of self, is it portrayed through beauty or by a mere morbid fascination? From forbidden desires to the allure of death, pain and malice, perhaps the acceptance of its existence instead of fear: stories of obscene seductions. This concept is seen through the eyes of different artists around the world and allows us to explore the places of the human psyche that is present, but preferrably denied by most.
• I've also listed some handmade necklaces in my Etsy shop, check them out!
January 12.10.
added a few new images to the traditional and photography sections.
Damned: A Dark Fine Art Exhibition
I've been selected to take part in the Damned Dark Fine Art Exhibit taking place October 29th & 30th at the Tangent Gallery / Hastings Ballroom, 715 E Milwaukee St, Detroit, MI.
On October 29 2009 in Detroit, there will be a congregation of the most controversial fine art artists from across the world to display their darkest of creations at DAMNED II. From the famous to the freshest of talent, this ominous assembly will exhibit a diversity of artistries from the deeply depraved to the intensely introspective guaranteed to intrigue, disturb, captivate or repulse. This is not Halloween-themed art but a submergence within the shadowed realms of consciousness within an intimate ambiance of haunting ethereal soundscapes, intimate gallery vignettes and cirque-inspired stage performances.
Then, on Devil’s Night (October 30), we celebrate this artistic submergence with an intimate six-course presentation style dinner of aphrodisiac-inspired cuisine followed by a formal masquerade ball within the milieu of exotic rhythms, floor performances and art. To nightcap the ball evening, we now welcome the sensuous noir cabaret sounds of Jill Tracy in a rare solo performance.
Feature guest artists are Marilyn Manson and HR Giger! Other special guests include Chad Michael Ward, Christian Correra, Jose Manuel Schmill, Rich Rethorn, Paul Rumsey, John U Abrahamson, William B Hand, JL Robbins, Eli Livingston, Stephen Blickenstaff, Janina Magnussen, Peggy Wauters, Aunia Kahn, Brian Viveros, Gary Lee, Patrick Byers, Krista Acheson, Robert Morris, Viktor Koen, James Allen, Tsubasa and 100+ other artists from all over the world!
I shall be in attendance both nights of this event. if you spot me come say hello!
October 2009
what is this?! a new site??? finally!
September 2009
The new Android Lust site has gone live! Artwork by me, coding & everything else by Christopher Jon.